Translating Technical Documentation

Attain high-quality and low-cost localization

  • uber
  • zendesk
  • fujifilm
  • ovh

Looking for ways to reduce your translation costs without compromising quality? Leverage Memsource’s machine translation integrations and AI-powered technology.

  • Reduce costs while maintaining quality

    Reduce costs while maintaining quality

  • Capitalize on <br>machine translation

    Capitalize on
    machine translation

  • Reduce your<br> time-to-market

    Reduce your


  • Reduce translation costs

    Reduce translation costs

    Memsource offers a combination of traditional cost-saving features such as translation memory, enhanced with innovative approaches based on artificial intelligence.

  • Translate 50+ file types

    Translate 50+ file types

    Translate in the formats your technical documentation is in such as Framemaker, DITA, XML, or Microsoft Word, then receive your translated files back in the same format.

  • 30+ machine translation engines

    30+ machine translation engines

    Connect to over 30 machine translation engines in Memsource. Memsource automatically identifies low-quality machine translation output and marks it for post-editing.

  • Workflow automation

    Workflow automation

    Connect your CMS via our out-of-the-box connectors, the COTI interface, or REST API to automatically pull newly published documentation into Memsource and receive it back in your platform once localized.

  • Secure your data

    Secure your data

    Maintain control over your data by implementing SSO and 2-factor authentication, encrypted file transfers, and prevent unauthorized downloads during translation.

  • Collaborate with multiple vendors

    Collaborate with multiple vendors

    Ensure your content is translated by industry and subject matter experts and collaborate in real-time with your preferred translation companies, translators, and in-house reviewers.

Get started now


Burkert Fluid Control Systems
Being professional users of other leading CAT tools for several years and handling great amounts of projects per year, Memsource has convinced us with its project templates. This function saves our translation project managers a lot of time when creating projects as everything is pre-filled automatically. We also find the analysis and quotes function very handy as this gives us full transparency in translation related expenses even before placing the order. From a management point of view Memsource provides us a much needed overview of the whole translation process chain and makes the handling of translation service providers quite easy.
Read the Bürkert case study
Dominik Lächler photos
Dominik Lächler

Head, Dept. Bürkert Information Management (bIM)

OVH - logo
Saving on Repetitive ContentWhen we translate our support guides using Memsource, we can see up to 20% of a guide already pre-translated thanks to translation memory and term bases.
Michael Kapus

Content Localization Manager